News - Smartappart Lorient

The Smartappart aparthotel group immerses itself in the heart of local news in the regions in which its residences are located. Find here our articles to better prepare your tourist stays or business trips in the cities of Caen, Cherbourg, Lorient, Saint-Nazaire and Troyes.

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Smartappart Lorient - 08/11/2021

L’aéroport de Lorient sera géré par EDEIS et la CCI du Morbihan

A partir du 1er janvier 2022, EDEIS gérera pendant cinq ans l'aéroport de Lorient-Lann Bihoué et augmentera le trafic de 144...
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Smartappart Lorient - 14/09/2021

The 11th edition of the DEFI AZIMUT-LORIENT AGGLOMERATION will take place from 14...

Organized by the Larmor-Plage based company Azimut, this intenrational competitive sailing event contributes to the attractiveness of the racing...
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Smartappart Lorient - 07/06/2021

On Tuesday, June 8, 2021, Smart-appart celebrates World Ocean Day

"The ocean, life and livelihood" will be the theme of the World Ocean Day 2021: a declaration of intent as a declaration of love to conserve...
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Smartappart Lorient - 19/05/2021

La société Imerys attend une autorisation d’extension de son exploitation de kaolin...

Avec de nouvelles réserves de kaolin trouvées sur le territoire, le producteur de kaolin Imerys pourrait élargir son champ d’exploitation...
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Smartappart Lorient - 30/03/2021

Le savoir-faire du port de Lorient inspire le développement d’un port au sultanat...

Le port de Lorient fait école : il vient de remporter un appel à manifestation d’intérêt initié par le sultanat...
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Smartappart Lorient - 07/03/2021

Lorient La Base will host the departure of The Ocean Race Europe

On the last weekend of May, the city of Lorient will host the departure of The Ocean Race Europe. This international high-flying race is the first stage...
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Smartappart Lorient - 02/03/2021

The Lorient start-up IoT.BZH wins an award for fighting cybercrime

Providing IT cybersecurity for car manufacturers, the Lorient start-up Iot.BZH has just pocketed a new national prize with, in the balance, an aid of...
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Smartappart Lorient - 07/01/2021

The 5th edition of the navexpo Boat Show will be held from 2 to 4 June 2021 at the...

The major marine trade show Navexpo will finally be able to take place in June 2021. After its cancellation in 2020 due to the coronavirus, this boat...
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Smartappart Lorient - 23/11/2020

In Lorient, Thalos, expert in connectivity at sea, is preparing for the boom of...

Because onboard connectivity is undergoing a metamorphosis, driven by the rise of the internet of things, the SME in the Morbihan, Thalos, decided to...
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Smartappart Lorient - 23/11/2020

Annulation des salons nautiques : la filière s’adapte

Avis de tempête sur les salons nautiques : la Covid 19 impacte lourdement la filière et l’économie de la mer. Le secteur se...
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