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Smartappart Caen - 29/10/2023

Op2Lysis has been nominated for the Prix Galien USA 2023

Op2Lysis has been nominated for the Prix Galien USA 2023

It is in the "Best start up" category that the Caen start-up Op2Lysis is nominated for the Prix Galien USA which stimulates biopharmaceutical research and promotes innovation excellence.

"I know the importance of the Galien Prizes which reward each year therapeutic innovations and research work among the most creative" declared Emmanuel Macron in 2017. Now considered the equivalent of the Nobel Prize in the field of biopharmaceutical research, this prize created in 1970 in France is a tribute to Claude Galien, father of modern medical science and pharmacology.

Promote and energize health research

This prestigious award has been reproduced in many other countries and its influence is now worldwide. The interest shown for it by the Public Authorities health sector as well as its audience abroad encourage the teams to mobilize and surpass themselves to obtain this distinction. Any innovation aimed at improving human well-being and health in the world through the development of medicines, e-health, patient support, medical devices and other innovative approaches to better manage diseases, can apply for it. The jury, combining notoriety, scientific rigor and independence, is composed of eminent specialists.

A hope against strokes

Op2lysis is a biotechnology company specialized in the development of breakthrough therapeutic solutions to treat medical needs not covered in the cerebrovascular field. Its first drug 02L-001 is the first medical treatment for deep hemorrhagic strokes, the most disabling form. It makes it possible to liquefy the hematoma formed to facilitate its evacuation. This promising research and developments in the treatment of cerebral hemorrhages have earned Op2lysis the nomination in the "Best StartUp" category of the Galien Prize.

A reward that would be perfect

This appointment is already a recognition in itself: "It is the result of perseverance, the desire for excellence of the team in the adventure that is the development of a drug. The medical need is very strong and pushes us to always do better. This appointment also comes at a time when we want to change gears and accelerate towards clinical studies," welcomes Christophe Gaudin, co-founder of Op2Lysis. The winners will be announced at the Galien USA Awards ceremony on October 26th at the American Museum of Natural History (New York): that is three days before World stroke day on October 29th!

SMARTAPPART, the housing solution in the city of Caen

The two SMARTAPPART hotel residences are a budget alternative to hotels in the city of Caen. Rates are discounted starting from two nights. From studios to two-room apartments, the luxury furnished apartments are suited to any type of stay. An innovative online booking and payment concept allows you to access the apartments in an autonomous manner. 
 To keep you warm during the autumn and winter, the Smart Appart residences are equipped with Plaidscocooning (translation) throw blankets.
16, rue Grusse
17, place de la Republic

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