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Smartappart Lorient - 12/10/2015

The circus Mathieu Hart has seen one of his lionesses, Sultana,give birth to 4 cubs.

The circus Mathieu Hart has seen one of his lionesses, Sultana,give birth to 4 cubs.

In the location of Poterie in Hennebont, one of the lionesses of the Mathieu Hart circus has given birth to a litter of 4 cubs.

The birth of these felines is a new attraction. For obvious reasons of security and tranquility of the animals, it is forbidden to approach within two meters of the cubs, who are in the care of their mother. The father, Cambé, however, is not with them as he was sold to another circus

Useful information 

For reservations call 06 64 62 53 16

Fare: children 5€ and adults 10€ (in side stands)


Photo credits: ©Thierry CREUX

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