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Smartappart Lorient - 08/01/2020

The next Studies Forum of the Union-IHEDN will be held Friday, January 17, 2020 in Lorient

The next Studies Forum of the Union-IHEDN will be held Friday, January 17, 2020 in Lorient

The lycée Dupuy de Lôme in the city of Lorient will host the forum of the Institute of Higher Studies of National Defence on the theme "From the national narrative to the national project, the foundations of the spirit of defence".

What is the IHEDN?

For more than 80 years, this public institution, under the tutelage of the Prime Minister, has been assigned the mission to develop the Defense mindset and to raise awareness of international issues. Its mission of strengthening national cohesion through the promotion of a national defence and security culture in the nation is aimed at a wide audience of civilians and military personnel, both French and foreign. Its long or short training courses, conducted at a regional, national or international level, address defence, foreign policy, armaments and the defence economy.

The Union-IHEDN

Auditors and decision-makers are senior officials from the military, public service and the private sector. With the mission to develop the spirit of defence and security, the IHEDN union brings together national, regional, European, international and thematic associations. This network of expertise can be extended to external associations on the basis of common values: freedom of opinion, democracy, secularism, defence and security of Europe and peace. 

The Union-IHEDN's Studies Forum 

Each year in a different city, the Forum allows the auditors to present the synthesis of the work carried out by the associations to the 10,000 members and to the public concerned by Defence issues. Restitutions, debates and round tables may be attended for 15 Euros.
Staying with SMARTAPPART
The SMARTAPPART residential hotel in Lorient, located at 12 rue De La Belle Fontaine, is a 7-minute walk from the SNCF train station. Among the selection of hotels established with the Initiative Union of Lorient, this apartment hotel is the closest to the lycée Dupuy De Lôme. Preferential "IHEDN Forum" rates were offered until December 30, 2019. Its furnished apartments, 20 "luxury" studios , 3 studios, 2 "family" studios, are still available for rental by Forum participants: starting from two nights, its rates of 69 to 97 € per night are unbeatable.
Lycée Dupuy de Lôme
4 rue Jean Le Coutaller
56100 Lorient
To register: checks should be sent to Gregory Charbonnier made out to "AR5 IHEDN"
Contact: Alain HOULOU


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