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Tourists flocked to Normandy in 2018!

Tourists flocked to Normandy in 2018!

Normandy sees its visitor rate increase by 5% in 2018. The INSEE confirms a silver medal: it is a boon for the region that has now stepped onto the podium, the second largest tourist region in the nation after Ile-de-France and its city of lights !


Stay cool during hot summers

“In April,” the French saying goes, “don’t go out scantily clothed.” And, the saying is true. The weather is as gray as the tourism pros’ outlook: 100,000 fewer nights booked than in 2017! But starting in May, Normandy getaways held their own. In the heart of the summer, when the heatwaves are raging in the south, the region doles out its mild climate which made for pleasant strolls on the landing beaches! Cool-weather tourism attracts seniors and families. Dutch and Germans, shunning Italy and Spain also flocked there, fleeing extreme temperatures.


Perfect timing

The commemorations of the WWII landings in the region have attracted many visitors who are fond of history and culture. The French bank holidays spanning the beautiful month of May made for long stays and the long weekends they created brought on a taste of holidays.

From April to September, hotels, campsites and other types of accommodation totaled 11 million overnight stays, 500,000 more than in 2017 which was already a good year.


A welcome invasion

Though they fear the proliferation of vespa velutina, harmful hornets with yellow legs, some Asian invasions are, to the contrary, appreciated by professionals! The region is delighted by the strong comeback of Asian, Japanese and South Korean tourists, twice as many as in previous years. France, hitherto blacklisted because of terrorist attacks, is no longer terra incognita.


The distribution of records

Some departments won the jackpot. L'Orne had the largest increase, + 7.8%, after a slow year in 2017 followed by the Eure with + 7.7% of which + 12.7% in campsites. Only Seine-Maritime stagnated. The hotels in Normandy account for 5 million nights (+ 3.8%) but the big winners are the campsites with an increase of 9.3% for 4 million overnight stays. Other collective tourist accommodation (hotel residences, holiday villages and youth hostels) show a moderate increase of 1.5%.


The Normandy region can be proud of its track record. This is the second consecutive year of growth. Three’s the charm ... With the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landing and the 35th edition of the Tour des Ports de la Manche regatta, the hotels of Caen and Cherbourg will be stormed as tourists set sail!

Photo: Pixabay


The housing solution in Caen and Cherbourg :

When venturing out in Normandy, the residential hotels Smartappart Caen and Smartappart Cherbourg are an economic alternative to hotels. Their furnished and connected apartments lend themselves to any type of stay and prices are discounted starting at two nights.

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