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Cherbourg, the number one French port to Ireland

Cherbourg, the number one French port to Ireland

With its exceptional results on its freight traffic, the port of Cherbourg confirms its place as the first French line to Ireland.
In March 2021, Cherbourg dressed in Irish green to celebrate the Irish national holiday Saint Patrick's Day. As part of the #GlobalGreening that adorns the emblematic monuments of the whole world with green, the corridor adjoining the luggage room of the famous transatlantic station and the interior of the maritime station have also turned green. A tribute that celebrates the success of the simplified link between Cherbourg Port and Ireland.

A regular and competitive service

With a crossing time of between 17 and 18 hours, it is the shortest sea route between Ireland and the continent. In one year, the port of Cherbourg has tripled its roll-on/roll-off traffic between France and Ireland. 100,000 trailers circulated between the two countries in 2021. Bound for Rosslare and Dublin, three companies are on deck: Stena Line, Irish Ferries and Brittany Ferries. They provide 3 departures per day, 6 days out of 7 with ferries that can take on board up to 160 trailers. By remaining in the common market, this direct France-Ireland link is an alternative to the Landbridge: it has the merit of simplifying the administrative complexities with British customs.  

Recruitment and development

To support the growth of traffic, the Port of Cherbourg has recruited 7 dockworkers on fixed-term contracts and permanent contracts. Equipment and infrastructure have been the subject of investments: purchase of 4 additional tractors (€ 170K per unit), expansion of the ferry companies' ticket offices. The preparation for Brexit has led to the realization of € 8M of works. The port and the companies have demonstrated their ability to adapt to this extraordinary increase in traffic!

A new range of services 

Cherbourg Port and Ports of Normandy have other projects in progress. The creation of a multimodal transport terminal will make it possible to accommodate the Bayonne-Cherbourg rail motorway. The trailer storage capacity of the terminals will be increased. Near the port, a 10-hectare activity area will also be created to support logistics.

Even if Cherbourg is competing with other ports and the freight boom may be temporary, it is clear that the port of Cotentin has taken a step ahead... and intendx to keep it!

SMARTAPPART, the housing solution in the city of Cherbourg

The SMARTAPPART residential hotel is a budget alternative to hotels in the city of Cherbourg. Rates are discounted starting from two nights. Its luxury furnished apartments are suitable for any type of stay. Its innovative online booking and payment concept allows you to access the apartments in a self-service fashion.

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