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Smartappart Lorient - 23/09/2015

Le Jour de la Nuit at Lorient

Le Jour de la Nuit at Lorient

During the Science Festival, Lorient organizes as every year a series of animations in order to sensitize the largest possible number of people with problems related to light pollution, protection of night biodiversity and starry skies. 

Meeting on 10th of October in the village of science, on the esplanade of the city of sail, between 14h and 18h, to participate in joint working groups with the Science Festival October, among which is "The space messenger" to be able to understand the light and watch the sun.

Walks and other nocturnal activities are obviously planned from 20:30h until midnight, in the gardens of the restaurant L’Enclose du Port, at the mill and its surroundings.

Not to miss

- wander the streets of Lorient (7km circuit) on a bicycle

- hunting for insects in the gardens of the hotel Gabriel

- night walks looking for bats using ultrasonic detectors

- attending concerts at the base of the tower of Discovery

Useful information

Contact the organizer (Environment Service) 02 97 35 32 73 to register for the various workshops. 

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