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The Port of Cherbourg multiplies maritime rotations with Ireland since Brexit

The Port of Cherbourg multiplies maritime rotations with Ireland since Brexit

The Port of Cherbourg knows how to ride the Irish wave: after Stena Line and Irish Ferries, Brittany Ferries opens a freight line to Rosslare.

Cherbourg, the shortest route between France and Ireland

Irish and French carriers usually pass through the United Kingdom for the transport of goods to and from the European continent. But since the beginning of the year and in the face of Brexit, many companies have been looking to bypass the UK in order to avoid new red tape, high costs and potential delays. The direct sea line from Cherbourg is the shortest: a journey takes 16 hours. The port triples its usual rotations with 11 or 12 stops per week and thus reinforces its place as the main French port to Ireland.

Brittany Ferries doubles its efforts

Heavily impacted by the coronavirus crisis, the French shipping company Brittany Ferries has almost suspended its links with England since September. It wanted to position itself very quickly in this market by inaugurating a weekly rotation for freight between Rooslare and Cherbourg. At the same time, it will double its capacity from Roscoff to Ireland. On Tuesday, January 11, their ship Cap Finistère docked, in the presence of the Ambassador of Ireland, Patricia O'brien, who came to talk about the development of maritime relations between her country and the port of Cotentin.

The Cap Finistère

With its 204-meter (669 ft) length and 2 kilometers (2817 yards) of parking decks for heavy trucks, it has all it takes to meet post-Brexit expectations! Cap Finistère is our fastest cruise ship, so it is adapted to this new line, allowing each week an additional crossing between France and Ireland. The ship will operate under the French flag with a crew composed of French sailors said Christophe Mathieu, Chairman of the Board of Brittany Ferries. Proving the company's flexibility and adaptability, the fastest cruise ship in the fleet gets underway two months ahead of schedule. The Port of Cherbourg is turning full throttle to Ireland in 2021: all shipping companies combined, 3,000 truck trailers were transported between Cherbourg and Ireland (round trip) in January 2020, compared to 9,000 trailers at the end of January 2021!

Smartappart, the housing solution in the city of Cherbourg

The SMARTAPPART residential hotel is a budget alternative to hotels in the city of Cherbourg. Its furnished and connected apartments are suitable for any type of stay, short, medium or long term. For your business trips, SMARTAPPART welcomes you in accordance with government guidelines. Specific health provisions, put in place to combat the Covid-19 pandemic, guarantee the safety of your stay.


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