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The Cherbourg shipyard Efinor Allais has received new orders from the Bourbon Group

The Cherbourg shipyard Efinor Allais has received new orders from the Bourbon Group

Bourbon Mobility, one of the market leaders in offshore marine services, is reconnecting with the shipyard Efinor Allais, its long-standing supplier. An order of Surfer-type crewboats which is highly symbolic for the two industrialists: after years of turbulence, it will allow them to revive a historic collaboration.

About EFINOR Allais

Efinor is an industrial group specialized in metalworking, engineering, manufacturing and maintenance. It is positioned in large shipbuilding, both civil and military, as well as in the sector of fast ships and pollution control.
Efinor Allais is a shipyard, manufacturer of professional aluminum vessels. Specialized in the manufacture of lightweight and highly maneuverable speedboats, it is the reference player in the crewboat market.

About BOURBON Mobility

Bourbon, a major player in the offshore marine services market, offers offshore energy producers a wide range of surface and subsea marine services in the oil, gas and wind fields.
For more than 30 years, Bourbon Mobility has been offering oil majors ultra-fast personnel and light cargo transportation services, over all distances. With more than 2 million passengers transported each year on a fleet of nearly 242 crewboats, the world leader in personnel transportation in the oil industry offers its customers an alternative to helicopters.

A supplier for 30 years

In 1987, the company Surf, a subsidiary of Bourbon, asked François Allais if he could build fast transport boats to take staff to the oil platforms. Many orders followed: more than 200 passenger ships have been completed. Their collaboration was interrupted in 2015 due to the oil and gas crisis, which led to a collapse in orders, followed by a receivership.
"We are proud to reconnect with our historical client and thus to perpetuate our know-how in the service of the smooth operation of offshore sites," says Fabrice Lepotier, President of the Efinor group.
While the two partners have remained discreet about the number and characteristics of ships ordered, this trade recovery signals a dynamic that could augur an increase in orders in the medium term.

Photo: launching a crewboat © Efinor

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