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News - 28/03/2020

SmartAppart Hotel Residences are organized to fight Covid 19

SmartAppart Hotel Residences are organized to fight Covid 19

With establishments located in Caen, Cherbourg, Lorient, Saint-Nazaire and Troyes, the Smart Appart residential hotels have implemented a specific health protection system for their customers.


An exceptional derogation for imperative professional activity

Pursuant to article 3 of the decree of 23 March 2020 prescribing general measures to address the epidemic of Covid19 in the context of the health emergency, all persons are requested to remain confined to their homes, with the exception of travel between home and place of professional activity when they are essential to the exercise of activities that cannot be organized in the form of teleworking or professional travel that cannot be postponed.
 People on compulsory business trips may therefore need to stay in hotel residences and Smartappart is mobilized to enforce the mandatory sanitary measures and protect its customers to the maximum extent from the epidemic. 

The Smartappart concept

This hotel residence is based on the autonomy of its guests. Everything was conceived to allow them to freely access their rental without physical contact with a host team. Should you require any information, a dedicated number allows you to reach the manager of the residence 7 days/7.
The apartments are accessible 24 hours a day thanks to the access code that is automatically sent when booking and making asecure online payment. The guest is therefore free to access at any time the comfortably furnished apartment equipped with a kitchen. An ideal solution to limit contact and risk of contamination.

Exceptional sanitary measures

To limit the risk of exposure to Covid 19, exceptional measures have been taken to avoid contact between customers and maintenance personnel.
For short stays (one week or less), no interaction will be required and the cleaning service will attend to the accommodation 24 hours after the customer's departure.

Long-stay guests will have to do their own cleaning and change of sheets. Clean linen is distributed by the maintenance staff and a 24-hour period must be respected before any handling by the client. After this time, the customer can deposit his dirty laundry in containers (baskets or cloth bags) arranged on each floor. 

The guarantee of a clean place

Citrus ND, a virucidal detergent, is always available to customers. It effectively cleans all surfaces, including food contact surfaces.
Moreover, the cleaning of the accommodation is secured by a minimum of 24 hours after the departure of each client.
An additional minimum period of 24 hours before renting anew is also implemented

Smart Appart wanted to do everything possible to guarantee the best possible level of health security to its professional customers on the move and to healthcare personnel. This protocol has been submitted to the Directorate-General for Health for validation

The smart Appart residences are located in the city centers of Caen, Lorient, Cherbourg, Saint-Nazaire and Troyes. Their furnished apartments are a budget option for business trips.

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