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Smartappart Lorient - 26/06/2015

Lorient's Theatre, ask for the programme!

Lorient's Theatre, ask for the programme!

For his last season (2015-2016), the CDDB's artistic director, Erci Vigner, reveals an abundant and festive program.

It will be possible to buy a season ticket from Monday, August 24th . The open to the public weekend is on Saturday (from 10 a.m to 6 p.m) and on Sunday, September 6th  (from 11 a.m to 6 p.m).


The Seagull by Chekhov, realised by Hélène Babu, at Locguénolé castle, on September 23rd -26th .

The story end, created by Christophe Honoré, at Grand Th Théâtre, on October 13th - 15th .

Oh, Boy! A Marie-Aude Murail's tale adaptation, at CCDB, on November 18th -20th.

Corneille's Illusion Comique, by Eric Vigner, at Grand  Théâtre, on December 9th, 10th, 12th, 14th.

Tristan, by Eric Vigner at Grand  Théâtre, on December 11th.

Bernard-Marie Koltès' Roberto Zucco, by Richard Brunel, at Grand Théâtre, on 2016 January 6th 7th .

Model in the arena, by  Gwénaëlle David, at Studio on January 19th - 21st.

Our Faust, by Robert Cantarella, at CDDB, on January 23rd - 24th .

Charles Perrault's Donkeyski, by  Jean-Michel Rabeux, at CDDB, on February 22nd - 24th .

Let's see at Gare de l'Est by Guillaume Vincent, at Studio, on February 23rd - 25th .

Calek Perechodnik's Calek by Charles Berling, at CDDB, on February 26th - 27th

Shakespeare's Cupido's sick, by Pauline Sales and Jean Bellorini, at  Grand Théâtre, on Mars 10th - 11th .

Molière's The Miser, by Ludovic Lagarde, at  Grand Théâtre, on March 23rd - 26th .

Head hel high, by Joël Jouanneau and Cyril Teste, at Grand Théâtre, on March 29th -30th .

Jean Genet's Splendid’s by  Arthur Nauzyciel, at Grand Théâtre, on April 27th -28th .

Lehman Bronthers' saga, The Fall chapters, by Arnaud Meunier, at CDDB, on May 2nd - 3rd .

Peer Gynt d’Ibsen, by Irina Brook, at Grand Théâtre, on May 11th -12th .

Lola Lafon's Nadia C. (The little comunist who never smiled) by Chloé Dabert, on May 19th  and 20th.


Macabre magazine by Aurélien Richard, at CDDB, on October 6th -7th

Vaslav Nijinsk's Sacre # 197/Sacre # 2 by Dominique Brun, at Grand Théâtre,  on November 19th -20th

P.P.P. by Phia Menard, at CDDB, on December 17th -18th

Our solitudes by Julie Nioche, at CDDB, on January 19th -20th

Guests by Josette Baïz, at Grand Théâtre, on February 5th - 7th .

Pixel by Mourad Merzouki, at Grand Théâtre, on March 4th -5th

Folk-s, will you still love me tomorow ? By Alessandro Sciarroni, at CDDB, on March 15th

Stranges days by Dominique Bagouet, at Grand Théâtre,  on April 18th

Suspension of Conflicts by Boris Charmatz, at Grand Théâtre, on May 26th


Inspirazione italiana by  Brittany's Symphonic Orchestra , at Grand Théâtre, from October  18th.

The Undisciplined Festival, at Grand Théâtre, on November 8th

Babar's story, the elephant, at CDDB, on December 1st -2nd

Blind  by Erwan Keravec, at Studio, on January 13th -14th

Symphonic Matheus by Jean-Christophe Spiniosi, at Grand Théâtre, on January 31st

A Fiddler’s Tale, création by Éric Vigner, by the musicians of the Brittany's Symphonic Orchestra, at CDDB, on March 30th – April 1st

The Animal's Jazz Carnival by The Amazing Keystone Big Band, at Grand Théâtre, on April 21st -23rd .

Monteverdi by Jean-Christophe Spinosi, at Grand Théâtre, on May 28th.


We are the same of those toads who... and Ali, two shows by Hedi Thabet, at Grand Théâtre, on January 14th - 15th .

You, by Olivier Merou, at CDDB, on April 21st – 22nd

Bekkrell Effect, at CDDB, on May 9th -13th

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